Welcome to our website.

The group started in 1993 in the city Bergen op Zoom (The Netherlands). We study the Takamatsuden arts also known as Bujinkan Budo.

The group is affiliated to and trains under the direction of the International Bujinkan Dojo headed by Soke Masaaki Hatsumi.

On this website you will find some local information about the group and about the Bujinkan martial arts, mostly in Dutch. We don't put a lot of details about the training on the internet because we believe you have to train in a Dojo to learn and understand the art.

Whether you are an instructor or a student, a total beginner or an experienced practioner, you will find a relaxed, friendly training environment for your the pursuit of your Budo studies. If you are interested and wish more infomation please contact Erwin Vanhees

Or please visit

Bujinkan Mahoutsukai Dojo (UK)